Azure vs Aws services

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Azure vs Aws services

Here is a comparison chart that highlights some key differences between Azure and AWS services:

ServicesAzure ServicesAWS Services
Virtual MachinesAzure Virtual Machines, Azure VM Scale SetsAmazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
StorageAzure Blob Storage, Azure Files, Azure Disk Storage, Azure Data Lake StorageAmazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
DatabasesAzure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQLAmazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora, Amazon DocumentDB
AnalyticsAzure Stream Analytics, Azure Data Factory, Azure Machine LearningAmazon Kinesis, Amazon Redshift, Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Elasticsearch Service
Internet of Things (IoT)Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT Edge, Azure Digital TwinsAmazon IoT, AWS Greengrass
NetworkingAzure Virtual Network, Azure ExpressRoute, Azure Load BalancerAmazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), AWS Direct Connect, Elastic Load Balancing
Identity and Access Management (IAM)Azure Active DirectoryAWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Developer ToolsAzure DevOps, Azure Logic Apps, Azure FunctionsAWS CodeStar, AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions
ContainersAzure Container Instances, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

It should be noted that this chart is not exhaustive, and each cloud provider provides a diverse range of services. To make an informed decision, it is recommended that you visit each provider’s official website and review their services and features. Furthermore, service pricing and features are subject to change and can vary depending on region; it’s always a good idea to check the pricing and features of the services on the providers’ website.