aws data center

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has a global infrastructure that consists of a network of data centers located in various regions around the world. These regions are made up of Availability Zones, which are essentially data centers that are engineered to be isolated from failures in other Availability Zones. This design enables AWS to offer high availability and fault tolerance for its services. The availability zones are connected to each other with low latency, high-throughput networking. AWS has announced plans to add additional regions and availability zones to its infrastructure to further improve the availability and latency of its services for customers around the world.

Where are AWS Data Centers Located ?

AWS Data centers spans across region and Availability zones and are located across several continents. Here is the list of the locations

Location Region Comments
North America US East (Northern Virginia) Region Availability Zones: 6 Launched 2006 Local Zones: 10 Launched 2020
US East (Ohio) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2016
US West (Oregon) Region Availability Zones: 4 Launched 2011 Local Zones: 7 Launched 2019
US West (Northern California) Region Availability Zones: 3* Launched 2009
Canada (Central) Region** Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2016 Learn more at AWS Canada
GovCloud (US-East) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2018
GovCloud (US-West) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2011
South America South America (São Paulo) Region South America (São Paulo) Region
Europe Europe (Ireland) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2007
Europe (Frankfurt) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2014
Europe (London) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2016
Europe (Paris) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2017
Europe (Stockholm) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2018
Europe (Milan) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2020
Europe (Zurich) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2022
Europe (Spain) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2022
Middle East Middle East (Bahrain) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2019
Middle East (UAE) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2022
Africa Africa (Cape Town) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2020
Asia Pacific Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2010
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region Availability Zones: 4 Launched 2011
Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region Availability Zones: 4 Launched 2016
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2016
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2019
Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2021
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2021
AWS Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2022
Mainland China (Beijing) Region Availability Zones: 3
Mainland China (Ningxia) Region Availability Zones: 3
Australia Australia (Sydney) Region Availability Zones: 3 Launched 2012

What are AWS Local Zones ?

Run latency sensitive applications closer to end users

AWS Local Zones are a type of infrastructure deployment that places compute, storage, database, and other select AWS services close to large population and industry centers.

AWS Local Zones

Lis of AWS Local Zones are available at

What are AWS Wavelength Zones ?

Deliver ultra-low-latency applications for 5G devices

AWS Wavelength embeds AWS compute and storage services within 5G networks, providing mobile edge computing infrastructure for developing, deploying, and scaling ultra-low-latency applications.

AWS Wavelength Zones

AWS Data Center map

AWS Data center map which consists of Regions and Availability Zones is available at –

AWS Data Center Security

AWS takes security very seriously and has implemented a number of measures to ensure the security of its infrastructure and the data of its customers. In addition to encrypting data in transit and at rest, AWS also has a number of controls in place to protect against physical and cyber threats. These measures include physical security controls at its data centers, strict access controls, and continuous monitoring and analysis of its network for potential security threats. AWS also offers a number of security services and features that customers can use to further protect their data and applications, such as security groups, network firewalls, and virtual private clouds (VPCs).

AWS Data Center Sustainability

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has a number of initiatives in place to make its data centers more sustainable and reduce their environmental impact. Here are a few examples:

  1. Renewable Energy: AWS has committed to achieving 100% renewable energy usage for its global infrastructure. It has already achieved this goal in a number of regions and is working towards this goal in other regions.
  2. Energy Efficiency: AWS has implemented a number of measures to make its data centers more energy efficient, including the use of efficient servers and cooling systems, as well as advanced monitoring and control systems.
  3. Recycling and Waste Reduction: AWS has implemented a number of programs to recycle and reduce waste at its data centers, including the recycling of cardboard, plastic, and metal materials.
  4. Water Conservation: AWS has implemented a number of programs to conserve water at its data centers, including the use of efficient cooling systems and the use of treated wastewater for landscaping and toilet flushing.

Overall, AWS is committed to continuously improving the sustainability of its data centers and reducing their environmental impact.