Amazon S3 Best Practices

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Top Amazon S3 Best Practices

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.


  1. Industry-leading performance, scalability, availability, and durability
  2. Wide range of cost-effective storage classes
  3. Unmatched security, compliance, and audit capabilities
  4. Easily manage data and access controls
  5. Query-in-place and process on-request
  6. Most supported cloud storage service

Storage Classes and Cost Optimization

  1. Amazon S3 Storage Classes – S3 Standard, S3 Intelligent Tiering, S3 Standard – IA, S3 Glacier, S3 Glacier Deep Archive, S3 One Zone – IA, S3 Outposts.
  2. Amazon S3 analytics and Insights – Amazon S3 Inventory, Amazon S3 Storage Class Analysis, S3 Storage Lens
  3. S3 Lifecycle to transition to different storage classes. Move objects older than 30 days to Standard-IA, Move objects older than 365 days to S3 Glacier Deep Archive.
  4. S3 Intelligent-Tiering with Frequent, Infrequent, Archive and Deep Archive access tiers. Automatically optimizes storage costs for data with changing access patterns.

Data Protection

  1. Use object versioning to secure the S3 objects.
  2. S3 Replication to replicate objects with in same region , different aws regions.
  3. Amazon S3 object lock to restrict deletion on objects

Analytics and Insights

  1. S3 Storage Lens to gather more summary insights, outliers, data protection insights and cost efficiency.
  2. Amazon cloudwatch metrics for Amazon S3.